More awards!...the short list of October 2nd for Prix Goncourt 2007 is:
Olivier Adam «A l'abri de rien» (L'Olivier)
Philippe Claudel «Le rapport de Brodeck» (Stock)
Marie Darrieussecq «Tom est mort» (P.O.L.)
Michèle Lesbre «Le canapé rouge» (S. Wespieser)
Clara Dupont-Monod «La passion selon Juette» (Grasset)
Gilles Leroy «Alabama Song» (Mercure de France)
Amélie Nothomb «Ni d'Eve ni d'Adam» (Albin Michel)
Lydie Salvayre «Portrait de l'écrivain en animal domestique» (Seuil)
I'd say that there is the most buzz around Amélie Nothomb, however that says nothing about the decisions of the jury.
To be continued...the 25th of October...