The Swedish literature in the 80s is about postmodernism and poststructuralism.
The optimism of development turned into fanatic unfaithfulness. Critics were critized for being stuck in critisism of ideologies and not literature. Young authors were critised for not being conscient of the language and the relations between texts, intertextuality. Thematics of life then turned into thematics of language and the written text.
As an example can be mentioned Stig Larsson who (in Autisterna, the Autists) used a character with no name, a mere epic function, that moves freely in time and space. He is a screen on which events, environments and emotions can be projected. The text is a text. The novel describes unconcentered individuals in a scattered world.
Other prominent Swedish authors of the 1980s are Peter Kihlgård, Björn Ranelid, Inger Edelfeldt and Mare Kandre.