Egoïste, Chanel (1989)
A male fragance with body and caracter, definitely not for a young guy in jeans, rather something for Donald Trump.

Notes de tête: Mandarine, Bois de Rose, Coriandre
Notes de coeur. Rose Turque, Oeillet, Cannelle
Notes de fond: Santal, Vanille, Ambrette
Fahrenheit, Dior (1988)
This is an old favourite, masculin fragance.
Notes de tête: Aubépine, Chèvrefeuille
Notes de coeur: Bois de santal
Notes de fond: Cèdre, Patchouli
Bois d'Arménie, Guerlain (2006)
A calm, sincere, wooden feminine scent that belongs to the L'Art et la Matiere collection. I prefer this one to the more outgoing Cuir de Beluga.
Notes de tête: Encens, Iris. Poivre
Notes de coeur: Bois de Gaïac, Benjoin, Coriandre
Notes de fond: Baume copahu, Patchouli, Musque blanc