Saturday, April 22, 2006

...and the lack of it

I usually say that there is a need to grasp all the ways of communication in a channel strategy. But I also think that you should be flexible enough to deal with different channels in various manners. At work I use a calender in Outlook. I have a cell phone that I syncronize with the computer and it syncronizes entirely. So if I happen to want an alert before a meeting, I will get it both in my computer and in the phone. It is impossible to close the alert function in the phone alone.

More channel strategies....

I arranged a seminar on multi channel strategies the other day and the more I prepared it, the more I wanted to such a vast area. We could easily have used a full day and have work shops with more specific dicussions. Sture Hägglund, professor of Computer Science, gave broad introduction. After a break we got some more specific examples from Maria Inghamn, the Swedish Road Administration. Their sms-services have been more widely used, and differently, than anyone had expected.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


I just got the message from my Professor that the memo I wrote on the Swedish Novel after WW2 was excellent and got the highest grade... it feels really good to hear that...especially as I did excellent on the thesis as well and now it will all ad up :-) I enjoyed the reading and writing and it always feels great to accomplish something!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Process analysis

Ok, when I don't read or write on Swedish literature I work with business development and the past weeks we have conducted work shops of process analysis. The method is based on RUP and we look at "who is doing what with what" today and tomorrow. It is a simple way to get a pretty good picture of how work is done currently and what improvements could be made. At a 3rd occasion we count on the financial effects. Coming week I wil be leading one of these workshops on the "tomorrow"-situation and I am really looking forward to it. We have already had a first work shop and got a lot of information. The organisation has been doing their home work already last year but it's different when someone comes from the outside looking in.

Over and done with

Last week I handed in my paper on the Swedish prose since 1945 - feels good to accomplish a task on my list :-)